Dr. Martin Ryerson Turnbull
Professor of English Bible, New Testament, 1918 to 1935
Washington and Lee University, B.A., 1906
Biblical Seminary, NY, UTS-VA, D.D., 1920
While pursuing his Doctor of Divinity degree, Professor Turnbull taught Bible at ATS. In 1918, Dr. Turnbull became the first full-time and paid professor at ATS. He married Mary Spottswood Carmichael, ATS class of 1921. In interviews with the graduates of ATS 1918 to 1930, the alumni/ae remember him as a" Bible teacher par excellence." His first assignment to them which was to read all of Genesis at one sitting. The students referred to him as "our Dr. Turnbull."
Margaret Bear, Class of 1921, in an interview in 1986 describes him as follows: "Dr. Turnbull came to class every morning, was as excited as if he had just seen the Bible the night before for the first time. Just so excited that you couldn't keep from getting excited yourself. He was marvelous."
Jane Douglas Summers, Class of 1928, in a letter dated January 24, 1986, wrote: "Dr. Ryerson Turnbull was the greatest and most forceful Bible teacher I've ever known. You might say I was 'converted' in his classes. He opened up the scripture in a way no other teacher ever did for me. He was a powerful, dynamic speaker and instructor. "
Biblical Seminary, NY, UTS-VA, D.D., 1920
While pursuing his Doctor of Divinity degree, Professor Turnbull taught Bible at ATS. In 1918, Dr. Turnbull became the first full-time and paid professor at ATS. He married Mary Spottswood Carmichael, ATS class of 1921. In interviews with the graduates of ATS 1918 to 1930, the alumni/ae remember him as a" Bible teacher par excellence." His first assignment to them which was to read all of Genesis at one sitting. The students referred to him as "our Dr. Turnbull."
Margaret Bear, Class of 1921, in an interview in 1986 describes him as follows: "Dr. Turnbull came to class every morning, was as excited as if he had just seen the Bible the night before for the first time. Just so excited that you couldn't keep from getting excited yourself. He was marvelous."
Jane Douglas Summers, Class of 1928, in a letter dated January 24, 1986, wrote: "Dr. Ryerson Turnbull was the greatest and most forceful Bible teacher I've ever known. You might say I was 'converted' in his classes. He opened up the scripture in a way no other teacher ever did for me. He was a powerful, dynamic speaker and instructor. "